
Showing posts from March, 2016

journey into the borra caves

Borra caves  lies in the coastal district of vishakapatinam, in the southern state of Andhra pradesh in India. Being the largest cave in india, this place has developed into a tourist spot.  Daily tourist buses ply from vishakaptinam to cater the tourists need. The nearby areas are also beautiful particularly the arraku valley tourism circuit. A beautiful hill station and water falls en route, it makes a nice trip along with family. Cave entrance view from inside the cave You can size of the opening of the cave comparing with the trees visible outside. People look like ants in the background and it is really pitch dark inside the cave, during broad day light, right near the entrance of the cave. rock formations Another opening in the cavern. Sure cannot escape through this one in times of flood. An overcrowded  cave(holiday) . Another view to picturise the magnitude of the cave. some snaps. Another picture showing the Magnitude of the cave