
Showing posts with the label birds of karnataka

Bird watching in raichur- part 2

Continuation rom my previous post This Coppersmith barbet  was staying opposite to my house, literally right in front of my house. I watched him from the beginning of building nest , hatching the young ones, to leaving the place. Here is the photo journey. Note there is only one entrance(hole) in the branch    Building the second entrance     doing the hard work   feeling tired   Successfully completed the nest   It took 2 months to take these photos. Having seen a bird build a nest , hatch young ones from close quarters is a special feeling for any bird watcher, that too this is my first stay away from home, and also first sighting of coppersmith barbet.  

Bird watching in raichur

  I recommend raichur for bird watching only if you are a serious bird watcher. For all other tourists there is very little in raichur and those interested in bird watching go ahead. I stayed there or two years during my stint at a public sector company and these winged visitors helped my stay with their morning and evening calls. You need not go farther than your bedroom, simply open your window and can watch them with delight. However for more serious birder, you need to venture out only 2-3 kms from your room(if you live nearby shaktinagar).I assure you on any given day you can spot more than 50 species of birds in less than 2 hours, and more han 100 in a day. These shots you can get any time of the day, any time in a year, anynumber of times. Some painted storks feed there young ones. These are permanent settlers here, unlike other bird sanctuaries where they are seasonal. This grey hornbill gave me pose right near my room. Earlier I visited dandeli wildlife sanctu