
Kakaban islands - A close encounter with jelly fish and my underwater photography experience

Welcome to kakaban islands   A close encounter with jelly fish Kakaban island is located in the celebes sea. A photo from water facing sky   Stingless jelly fish As read in the blogs, there were countless jelly fishes , swimming all around us. It was a real sight to wonder, To appreciate the process of evolution. Me swimming with stingless jelly fishes at kakaban islands   Fishes in the lake Lessons learnt from the underwater photography experience Do not take photos near the shallow end, as you dig up sand and dirt causing the photo look like a poor quality one.     Use additional lighting when under water, as many of our photographs lacked lighting when shot from distance.     Position yourself and the photographer friend before going under water so that your face is visible clearly.     Use remote connectivity cameras as someone at land can help you capture excellent moments, because once you hold your breath, and under the water,

Visit to island of Kaniungan kecil

"Pull Kaniungan kecil" is the name of a small island located in the biduk-biduk region in berau, East kalimantan Indonesia. One of the extremely offbeat place in the world and soon to become a over-crowded tourist spot in quite a few years, this island is unheard off even to many native indonesians. "Kecil" in indonesian means small. "Pulau Kaniungan besar" is another island located nearby. "Besar" in indonesian means big. "Pulau" in indonesian means Island. As the name implies the small island when viewed from boat. With only the boat driver along with two of us, the island looked deserted. The local fishermen are well aware of the receding tides. As you stand in the waves you can feel the drift of water from the island towards the sea, as if water is continuously flowing like a river from the island to sea. There are no waves and the water is crystal clear about a km surrounding the island. This makes the island an ideal p

A tale of two cities - Goa in India vs Bali in Indonesia

Ever since i visited bali, my thoughts ran back to GOA, which is one of my favourite destinations. A comparison between Goa and Bali would be ideal in my point of view since both these have many many similiarities. And from the readers perspective who want to choose between Goa and Bali from the table they can come to a clear conclusion of what they are looking for. All other things about these places is available on the internet.     GOA BALI Country ·          India ·          Indonesia Geography ·          Coastal town ·          Island Reaching there ·          Road, Rail, Air, Sea ·          Air, Sea Local commuting ·          Bikes, Taxi available for renting. ·          Bike squads available to drop you at desired location. ·          Bikes, Taxi available for renting Traffic withi

river rafting at bali

For me  year 2014 ended with a rafting session at Telaga Waja river at Bali, Indonesia. This was my third rafting experience besides barapole and kali rivers in India but definitely the longest and safest experience. Welcome to river rafting at bali We arrived at the rafting spot, with a welcome drink, we were given safety jacket, helmet and paddles. As usual stuff like 'have you been to rafting' , 'I have been many times' , 'Do they take photographs' , 'Is it risky', 'Do i need to know swimming?',  ' Where to collect photographs' , were discussed with new friends. The starting point had a small waterfall sort of. We rushed in water to get accustomed to and soon immersed. Visually appealling Prior to this i have done rafting twice in india. The places aroung Telaga waja river was so scenic, surrounded by mountainous forest, numerous waterfalls(waterfalls in Bangalore-Mangalore Train journey were more numerous), highly rocky,  pr

Tenggarong - Where there is will there is a way

Before the flight journey across borneo, i went on a trip to the Samarinda city. We reached a place named Tenggarong, (Tangga + Arung = house of king). The story goes like this, there was a bridge to cross the mahakam river to reach the town Tenggarong. During a repair work in 2011 the only bridge connecting the town collapsed. And the arrangement made for local transportation really surprised me.  Our car was loaded into a ferry along with few others. After an half hour journey the ferry dropped us at Tenggarong. The journey itself was quiet good. The story of a man eating crocodile in the river, which was caught and killed , of size five metres long was terryfing. Soon ferries carrying cars and bikes beacme a common sighting. Lot of them were passing us from the other side. And cost of transportation is IDR 60,000 only. It made me realise if there is a necessity,  nothing can  stop you from doing what you want. I have been to many places where non availability of boat to cross

Sangatta to Balikpapan via Bontang and Samarinda - a journey through sky

After a melancholic 60 days stay at Sangatta,Indonesia, I was sitting in  a twin otter  plane seated right behind the pilot and peeking  through  the glass  window, waiting for the plane to take off. Onward journey from balikpapan to sangatta was through land and also exciting one, but without knowing a bit of language at that time, I was just talking with eyes and expresions and actions. Hectic googling prior to my jouney two months ago about the place where i am going to live(sangatta) did not reveal any information. It is quite an unexplored place. So now sitting in the plane , i am going to see the island of borneo(now renamed as kalimantan) from top of the world with an iphone5S in my hands.   I started clicking things whatever i could see around. The pilot and co-pilot getting ready for starting the flight - The moments i was waiting for.   Just before take off i realised t he wings and fan blades are going to be a big hindrance for my photography obstructing part of th

Beauiful arakku valley- queen of hills in Andhra Pradesh

Padmarajapuram gardens – on the way to arakku valley I am always fascinated on seeing the beauty of flowers. One day in life i will have a garden at home, for now i love being nomadic. The colors in flowers appear good during vibrant moods. That is the reason all cultures associate flower to different feelings like giving rose for expressing love. In india , flowers are used by women to get flavour for their hair, for dedicating to god in temples, For decoration in marriages and festivals, and even during death ceremonies, during political rallies. Flowers have become so integral part of life even during golden days of sangam period, kapilar, a tamil poet sung about 99 different flowers. The serene arakku valley – rail route. Now in 2016 Indian government has released a glass coached train in this route. Love to travel. Borra caves- Indias largest cave Arakku falls The arraku valley tourism circuit is yet